Les El Blatino

Tell us about you and your work

Stories, representation and movie magic.  Those are the things that drive and inspire me to create uniquely entertaining narratives. I filmed my first feature length movie, “Papi Ramirez vs Giant Scorpions”, as a one man band filmmaker in a rental storage unit.  I used green-screen, miniature props and sets, and stock footage to create a campy retro b-movie full of action scenes and thrills.  I am proud of the technical achievement as well as the heart the movie has.  It changed my life and the way I work.  It gave me true independence because I get to control and dictate my art and filmmaking vision.  


What inspires you?

People and the world around me inspire me.  Bringing humor and a sense of wonderment to an audience is something I strive for.  If I can slip in a “lesson” or a new way of looking at the world that people hadn't considered before, that’s frosting on cake for me.


What does community mean to you?

 Community for me means presenting ideas that may be in contrast to the ideas others have, yet being able to communicate freely and respectfully about them.  My community is not a bubble, it is a place where I will be challenged and I will challenge others as we find meaning in our lives.

Favorite film 

My favorite film is the 1980 space opera “Flash Gordon”.  I love its cheesiness and the musical score by Queen.

 Favorite song

My favorite song is “La Jirafa” by Calle 13.  It takes me on a journey through space, time, and the natural world.


Favorite place

My favorite place is my mom’s living room in Trujillo Alto, Puerto Rico.  Since her house is up in the mountains, the view goes all the way to the coast and there is usually a gentle boricua breeze.  It's my most peaceful state.


Gabriela Riley


La Palma